web 2.0 and then ? filter 3.0 ?

To be honest, Cheney does not have any idea with the exactly meaning of web 2.0, god ! as a student of marketing, it is a shame that cheney does not understand it.

anyway, from cheney's point, web 2.0 is another kind of the web site, or it can be addressed as a more friendly tool kits for people address their opinions on the internet....
before this technology, you need to know lots of coding about the web site development or building...now, with web 2.0 you don't need this kind of know-how.....

people said web 2.0 will bring another booming of the internet sector, but do they ? cheney doubts. Because cheney does not finding any business model in it, the model which can bring the revenue, therefore, cheney does not agree with this kind of thinking. And the succes of the youtube, or cheney should say that, the revenue of the youtube is not come from itself, but results in selling the company. and this is the reason that cheney does not have a positive agreement with the web 2.0


but from another aspect, because of the web 2.0, it makes the internet fulls of information, therefore, cheney thinks that in the future, there might be something like filter 3.0, helping people filter informations. it may function like this, gathering information together, filter them, criticize them, highlight them....

so what do you think about this ? don't be too serious on this article, cause it is just Cheney's bullshit la...ha ha


對cheney來說,其實不太懂啥是web 2.0? 蜘蛛網2.0 ? 1.0 補蒼蠅 , 2.0 補小鳥? 哈
從cheney的角度來看, 他只是一個製作網站工具的進化方便版啦... 有人說web 2.0會讓internet恢復到以前的榮景...會再有創造一次奇蹟...cheney真覺得是bullshit.....只有一種感覺...騙人買股票的又來了.... 以youtube來說吧...他當然是很成功,不過就經營的角度來看, cheney資質愚魯實在看不出他有啥獲利模式可言
那個陳士俊是變得很有錢沒錯啦...不過他的獲利方式卻是把公司賣給大公司...ㄟ....這種模式好熟悉喔... 1999年那時不就發生過啦....
不容否認的, web 2.0還是帶來了一些影響, 不然那些大網站,不會急著去改版...不過隨著資訊的氾濫...cheney覺得以後應該是filter 3.0 啦...幫你過濾所需資訊
這樣你就可以很輕鬆啦....天天看一些沒營養的blog也是很傷腦袋的, 真抱歉啦...cheney的 就算是沒營養的一個....哈哈

以上純屬cheney 吹吹牛 ,請不要太認真
下次再來寫寫最近很火紅的blog 行銷吧....


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